I have however been busy, you will of course remember my stint on ebay, the silicone hose i ordered was good quality and fitted nicely and the "meter" i ordered of each was generous.
I need to make some brackets and get some bigger p clips for the 8mm ID silicone hose.
I didnt order everything i needed so another stint was required and has been done, im waiting for the last of it to arrive, then i can figure out how to get the bottom rad hose past the fan belt!
moving to the back of the car i started to fit the uprights, and discovered that i had fitted them on the wrong side after a posting on the haynes forum big love to Ronnie for noticing it.
So onwards with fitting the uprights, ermmm nope the RU7 and RU8 plates are 180 degrees out.
so now waiting for replacements from saturn. due next week.
Ive also fitted the trigger wheel and hall effect sensor for the mega jolt and downloaded the software and now big love to AshG for posting me the lead so i can plug in to it.
lots of love floating about this post.
after a little work the earth bond is fitted between the gearbox and chassis.
White dial kit is fitted to the speedo head and the ali is cut for the seat back panel.
wiring is run down the transmission tunnel and p clipped. now to get to screwfix for some m6 self drilling/tapping screw and cable tie bases
enjoy the new pics.