Saturday, 29 January 2011

A mistake is just another way of doing things!

Okay so its been 10 days since my last update.

I have however been busy, you will of course remember my stint on ebay, the silicone hose i ordered was good quality and fitted nicely and the "meter" i ordered of each was generous.
I need to make some brackets and get some bigger p clips for the 8mm ID silicone hose.

I didnt order everything i needed so another stint was required and has been done, im waiting for the last of it to arrive, then i can figure out how to get the bottom rad hose past the fan belt!

moving to the back of the car i started to fit the uprights, and discovered that i had fitted them on the wrong side after a posting on the haynes forum big love to Ronnie for noticing it.

So onwards with fitting the uprights, ermmm nope the RU7 and RU8 plates are 180 degrees out.
so now waiting for replacements from saturn. due next week.

Ive also fitted the trigger wheel and hall effect sensor for the mega jolt and downloaded the software and now big love to AshG for posting me the lead so i can plug in to it.

lots of love floating about this post.

after a little work the earth bond is fitted between the gearbox and chassis.

White dial kit is fitted to the speedo head and the ali is cut for the seat back panel.
wiring is run down the transmission tunnel and p clipped. now to get to screwfix for some m6 self drilling/tapping screw and cable tie bases

enjoy the new pics.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Yeah Well You Can Argue Anything With Facts Mate.......

Ok so some more work done since the last time

But not alot.

Removed the trigger wheel from the spacer drill out the broken dowel and refit ready for fitting to the pinto.

A little research with the guys from Locostbuilders confirms that 3 point harnesses are out, however a short conversation with Matt at CBS has arranged to return the 3 points and replace them with 4 points.

Grand fellas.

Ive managed to source a new liner for the welder and it was feeding better until i decided to tap the wire feed bearing with a screw driver, which killed it. so I now need to order a new one.


7/16 UNF seat belt bolts sourced. to be ordered Friday.

a brief stint on eBay has sourced a fuel filler for £45 and a cheap supplier of Silicon hoses. just need to figure out the ones I need.

Until next time...

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

Not much progress last weekend, well none in fact.
Work was manic so the roadster had to take a back burner but Im not on call this week so its full steam ahead.

Only an hour last night but a productive one I feel, I fitted the rubber/foam cushion from CBS to the edges of the nosecone and scuttle, I wasnt impressed with the adhesive on it so i used some spray glue to augment it, then clamped it in place for 10 mins for so to allow it to cure.

This Done I proceeded to trim and fit the bonnet and finalise the nose cone and scuttle mountings which now have nice m6 Rivnuts in them, I am however slightly concerned that the holes in the scuttle are a little close to the inner edge but I will take a look at this tonight when i removed the scuttle to trim some aluminum for the dash panel.

Until Next Time Viewers

Stay Vigilant.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Happy New Year - What do you mean its the 14th!

Sorry for the delay in an update I'm sure lots of you were sitting with baited breath waiting for my words.

So whats occured, I have broken the wire speed control on my welder, tried to be a clever sod and solder a new speed pot to it only to discover it didn't help, £69 later and a new PCB is sitting in my kitchen waiting to be fitted (only arrived yesterday)

My parts from 3GE have arrived for my top harness mounts and in preparation to fit them i discovered that my 3 point harness may no longer be IVA safe! so were watching this space atm to see if another £100 needs spending on harnesses or if I can sweet talk CBS into allowing me to return them.

what else, hmmmm Ive fitted the 40 Dcoe webbers and discovered to avoid cutting the bonnet I will indeed need t fit some trumpets as opposed the the currently fitted filters.
Oh and as per usual fitting them was no straight forward job either as a part of the linkage was too short for the manifold and had to be replaced at the great cost of £12, thanks to Steve at Northampton motor sport for sourcing that 'orrible little part for me.

Due to a nice little cheque from the IRS I have placed an order with SSC for my cycle wing stays and interior aluminum panels.

Ive spend £42 on rubber edging trim from the bonnet, cycle wings, and panel holes from CBS, good quality stuff too and super fast delivery.

and a sheet of 2mx1mx1.5mm alu has been ordered for the rear panel, this should arrive next Friday with any luck.

another £12 went on a coolant switch for the rad fan. these little bits really do add up.

New rear up rights have arrived and been duly painted, but i think I may have damaged a CV joint so more on that next update,

Plans for this weekend are as follows:

Repair welder, tackweld M8 washers every 80mm down the transmission tunnel for the wiring loom to be secured to.
paint said washers, finalise position of scuttle by fitting rubber trim to nose and scuttle then temp fitting bonnet. secure scuttle with 4 rivnuts.
remove damaged driveshaft and inspect.
make up brake pipe for rear
fit from brakes
fit rear brakes

however the reality of it is that I'm on call this weekend so I doubt more than 1 or two small jobs will be completed.